The Delicate Beauty of the Ordinary: Sughra Rababi’s Paintings
We live at a frenetic pace consuming vast amounts of the world every day. This ‘too-muchness’ of our life has left little space for slowing down and waiting for the world to un
The Ultimate Expression: Muktibodh’s Poem, Andhere Mein
Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh (1917 – 1964) was a Hindi poet and writer, most prominently known as one of the pioneers of modern Hindi poetry. His short life was full of idealism
Gishaoun Ke Geet: Meeraji’s Translation of Songs of the Geishas
Mohammad Sanaullah Dar (1912 – 1949), better known as Meeraji, was an Urdu poet of Kashmiri-Punjabi origin. An unusual choice of name for an Urdu poet, one wonders how he cam
Untouched Spontaneity: Sunayini Devi’s Paintings
Although many artists experience a strong creative pull at a young age, some, like Sunayini Devi, blossom only later in life. Sunayini Devi (1875 – 1962) was fortunate to be